16 Jun

A Sanskrit proverb says, “For breath is life, and if you breathe well, you will live long on earth.” When you live in a world where the hustle seldom is on pause, it isn’t far-fetched to say your health deteriorates quicker. This is why it is important to find wisdom in Yoga.

Since years galore, Yoga has been known for improving life, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. It is the all-encompassing guide to nurture your mind, body and soul. With the steadfast lives we all live, it has grown even more essential to turn to this practice so we can reverse the ill effects affecting our lifespans.

You have within you the ability to outgrow yourselves into a healthier and happier you. Following the Yogic way of life, here are five essential ways you can create a long, peaceful, and healthier life day by day:


Owing to its profound healing effects, meditation is a quintessential arm of Yoga that benefits both physically and mentally. Consciously taking time to slow down your breathing synchronizes your mind and body and calms down your nervous system as well. Daily meditation also helps reduce anxiety and negative emotions, build mental resistance, and increase self-awareness.



It is easier said than done, but living life with open arms to your own body will do great wonders to your overall health. This includes sleeping when your body calls for it, eating only when you feel like it, and paying attention to your gut instincts. Staying in touch with your body’s responses will help you maintain a good sleep cycle, not overeat, and avoid negative situations amongst other things. Your body knows what it needs, you just have to listen.



Fasting, or intermittent fasting, has been a part of good human health since ancient times. It helps detoxify the system, improve digestion, and allow our internal organization to rest. Think of your body constantly working to break down food materials all the time, everyday. It is bound to break down at some point, right? So make sure you lighten the burden on your body twice or thrice in a week for a good gut, and eventually a good life.



Practicing yoga, or its asanas, implies a whole new facet of wellness that guarantees extending your life to a longer and better form. Meaning “a posture producing physical comfort and mental composure”, asanas help tone your muscles, build flexibility, improve and align posture as well as balance secretion of hormones in the body. Remember: the emphasis should be on proper position and proper breathing so you can rightly reap the benefits of practicing yoga asanas.



Get in the practice of half bathing where before meditation or going to bed, you cool down your body by splashing cold water on your face, neck, arms, legs, and hands. This is an ancient Yogic practice proven to help retain good sleep and maintain the body’s healthy temperature. This will calm the body and mind and bring you focus on what you want to pour your energy into.



Established in Vancouver, Canada, the Yoga Health Expo 2022 will be a one-day festival celebrating the joys of good well-being through a holistic approach to the Yogic way of life including Yoga, Veganism, and Vegetarianism in our lifestyle. The celebration shall welcome famous yoga teachers Vancouver, interactive yoga classes Vancouver and a platform for vegan products and vegan food Vancouver.

For more information on our upcoming International Yoga Festival & Health Expo, please visit: https://yogahealthexpo.com/.


5 Yogic Secrets For A Long and Healthy Life

For 8th Yoga Health Expo 2022 Webinar Registration click here @ 

Stay tuned for the 8th Yoga Festival & Health Expo on 19th of June, 2022, Sunday.

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