21 Jun

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International Yoga Festival & Expo 2018 – Magazine

Events which are close to the heart and require you to work hard towards for a long time can leave you with a feeling of emptiness once they have been achieved. Yet, now on the day after the completion of the 4th Yoga festival and Expo, I sit with a sense of peace and calmness.
Yoga has resonated very closely with the people of Vancouver who attended the festival in great numbers and made it a success. My aim behind this festival has always been to be able to bring a piece of Indian culture and life to Canada. Seeing so many people experience a slice of satvic life made my heart gladden.

I would also like to thank all of the yoga schools and teachers that took part in this festival. All of them put their best foot forward and ensured that the unadulterated and true message of yoga could be spread to everyone who attended. An endeavor like this would also not be possible without our sponsors. I am happy to say that corporations were happy to support our cause and be a part of this event. The idea of sustainable living, respecting the environment, using resources responsibly, eating local, and adopting a simple vegan lifestyle as the yogis in India did thousands of years ago is something that is becoming more popular with people around the world. The fact that I and my team could help put together an event that is built around these ideas is immensely satisfying.

Every time we conduct this event, I am immediately flooded with ideas as to how the next year’s event can be made even better. I hope that everyone who was a part of this event this year will return next year and join the thousands that will become a part of our family for the first time.

I firmly believe that the world is aligning with ideas proposed by Indian scholars and yogic practitioners thousands of years ago and will continue to work in between events to help spread awareness about the same. To see that our event was attended by young people in majority made my heart gladden and fills me with hope for the future.

Thank you all.
Aditya Tawatia