23 Jun
Practicing yoga first thing in the morning will not only increase your energy, focus, and flow for the rest of the day, but also place you in a positive state of mind to seize the day ahead.

Each day is a new beginning, and we shall make the most of it right from the moment we awaken. Stretch, breathe, and fully awaken your body first thing in the morning. How you begin your day plans out the rest of it, so here is a quick morning Yoga session that beginners can easily incorporate into their daily lives:


Diaphragmatic Breath

Known as pranayama, diaphragmatic breath is the first step to awaken your body. With one hand on your heart and the other on your belly in a sitting position, deeply inhale and exhale. This will help you tune in with your entire body, breath by breath.


Extended Child’s Pose

This pose is perfect for stretching the body after being in a singular position overnight. On all fours on your yoga mat, you will need to spread your knees wide, and let your stomach fall in between your thighs, and your forehead down to meet the mat. Then extend your arms in front of your body, palms flat. Inhale and exhale deeply. The extended child’s pose is great for your lower back and hips.


Cat-Cow Pose

Once on all fours on your mat, place your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Then engage your abdomen, exhale, and stretch your spine upwards. Hold it here then let your spine relax as your stomach falls to the ground. Hold it here again. This pose is effective for stretching your spine and opening your chest.


Cobra Pose

For novice Yoga practitioners, you might know this as a part of Surya Namaskar. Beginners can begin their morning routine with just this one pose to open up their shoulders, chest, and abs. You will need to simply lay belly-down on your mat, and with your hands placed underneath your shoulders, gently extend your arms upwards – taking the weight of your whole body on them. Remain in this position for a while before pulling your arms inwards and letting your body fall to the ground.


Bridge Pose

If you have a long way of active walking, strengthen your hamstrings and glute with the Bridge first thing in the morning. As you lay on your back with your knees bent and feet relaxed, place your arms on either side, palms flat. Then push up through your feet to extend your hips towards the ceiling. Works great for the abdomen area too.


Twist Pose

A simpler pose you can practice while seated, gently twist your upper body from your core to the left, then to the right. Let your body decide the distance you want to take, and make sure not to turn from your shoulders.


Tip: Hold each of the 5 poses for 60 seconds before moving on to the next 5 minutes and you’re done!


Established in Vancouver, Canada, the Yoga Health Expo 2022 will be a one-day festival celebrating the joys of good well-being through a holistic approach to the Yogic way of life including Yoga, Veganism, and Vegetarianism in our lifestyle. The celebration shall welcome famous yoga teachers Vancouver, interactive yoga classes Vancouver and a platform for vegan products and vegan food Vancouver.

 For more information on our upcoming International Yoga Festival & Health Expo, please visit: https://yogahealthexpo.com/.

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